- after the following expressions we use verbs with -ing
- study the phrases and examples:
· It’s no use / It’s no good…
It’s no use asking him again. He won’t join us.
It’s no good calling them now as they’ll be on the plane.
· There’s no point in…
There was no point in taking students to the museum because they would be bored.
There’s no point in watching this film. I have seen it and I know the end.
What’s the point of buying a new car if we already have two?
What's the point of = asking for the reason, purpose, worth, or usefulness of something
What's the point of doing this?
What's the point of life?
What's the point of learning English grammar?
· It’s (not) worth … (Nemá cenu ...)
This book is worth reading.
It wasn’t worth going to Spain in July as it was scorching.
· have trouble / difficulty / a problem …
We’ve had some trouble starting the engine.
I had difficulty breathing.
Nowadays people have problems writing as they are used to typing.
· spend/waste (time) … (trávit/plýtvat čas děláním něčeho)
I always spend months trying to come up with ideas for Christmas presents.
· be busy (být zaneprázdněný děláním něčeho)
My boss is always busy attending meetings.
I was busy helping my friend moving at the weekend.
· go – used for activities – mainly sports
go swimming, go cycling, go fishing, go camping, go jogging
go shopping, go sightseeing, go hitchhiking
· be used to - be accustomed to (být zvyklý na)
I am used to falling asleep with a radio on.
Our dog isn't used to sleeping outside.
More information about this phrase can be found in this article: https://www.terceflmc.com/post/used-to
Exercise 1: Complete the sentences so that they are true for you using -ing forms
1. I had difficulty…
2. My friend didn’t have any problem …..
3. Have you had trouble …
4. This series isn’t worth …
5. There was no point in …
Exercise 2: Create sentences using these words and at the same time keep the -ing phrase.
e.g., go – I go sailing every summer.
have trouble
be worth
no point
be busy
no good