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Writer: TCTC

In this article, I would like to introduce a picture dictionary to you. It is perfect for visual students. Each list of vocabulary is connected to one topic and accompanied by a picture.

Picture 1 - The New Oxford Picture Dictionary by E.C. Parnwell

If you don't want to buy any, there is another possibility online - Visual Dictionary Online by Merriam-Webster: http://www.visualdictionaryonline.com

The pictures aren't the newest but the topics available will be good enough for you to extend your vocabulary. Here is an example:

SOME TIPS for you!

If you don't like any of the links below, you can create your own 'picture dictionary'. Select an area from which you would like to know more words and then just add names. You can do it on a computer and then print it out.

1) Find a picture of a garden, add labels to things which you can see there and print it.

2) Find a picture of a garden, print it and add labels after.

Some topics may be too broad so try to narrow it down. For example, food can be divided into breakfast, lunch, and dinner or meat, vegetables, fruits etc.

If you don't know where to start, here are some examples:

  • Transport

  • Types of furniture

  • Items of clothing (kinds of shoes, hats,...)

  • Travelling (by bus, by plane, by train,...)

  • Baking

  • Tools

In addition, think about a total number of labels, for example 5-15 name tags per each picture.

Once you finish your picture, don't forget to practise the vocabulary.

A tip for advanced students. This can be utilised by advanced students too, but they need to go a bit further when searching for words. You can focus on idiomatic expressions, phrasal verbs, fixed expressions connected to trivial vocabulary that you should know by now.

If you can, you can also stick labels onto things around you. One plus is that you have all the labels in front of you all the time. On the other hand, people you live with do not have to be so keen on this idea. In addition, after some time the labels will be falling down so definitely choose some better quality sticky notes.


Each day look at the words and the pictures until they become familiar. Once you feel confident enough with the vocabulary, cover the words ( use sticky notes for that) and try to label them yourself. For checking if you are right, uncover the names.

You can test yourself even more properly by setting yourself a time limit in which you say or write down all the names.

Once you master all of them, DO NOT FORGET to come back to them.


Materials available online:

For kids:

For teachers:

Tips for buying:


Not only dictionaries are a good source for vocabulary but also videos. For example, if you want to expand your vocabulary list in the area of cars, you can watch this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkMzvdjhMlI

My favourite Youtube videos by Lucy will also help you with pronunciation:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMvkY1iGcl8

There are of course other topics and areas you can explore. Here are only some examples:



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