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Writer: TCTC

Updated: Oct 3, 2023

In this article, we are going to have a look at quantifiers, words which indicate the amount or quantity.


ALL + uncountable or plural nouns: We have all money for the purchase of a new car.

All children are now at school.

- all day/night/week/year: He's been at work all day.

Sam complaints all the time.

- all of + plural pronouns (you, us, them): All of you need to sign this form.

- all the / all + possessive adjectives (my, your, his,...) - refers to a concrete group, 'of' can be added with no change in meaning:

All the people that I know are here.

Have you seen all the rooms?

I have used up all of your tissues.

- all + this / that: Where did you buy all this?

Why did you throw away all of that pizza?

- in questions and exclamations with countable nouns proceeded by 'these' or 'those':

Look at all these blooms!

Where did all these banknotes come from?


Affirmative sentences: I have some time.

Kate brought some biscuits.

⁃ Offers and requests: Would you like some coffee?

I want some water, please.

ANY + uncountable or plural nouns

In negative sentences: I didn’t get any tickets for the show.

We don’t have any children.

⁃ In questions: Do you have any pets?

NO + uncountable or plural nouns

Natasha has no income.

There is no milk.


⁃ Used without a noun in short answers: A: Do you have some coins? B: Sorry, I have none.


⁃ Comparative forms of long adjectives and adverbs: This car is more expensive than the other one.


⁃ the superlative forms of long adjectives and adverbs: This car is the most expensive in our offer.


- the comparative form of little: My idea is less innovative than yours.

- used before nouns: Let's eat less meat.

- used before adverbs: Next time, respond more politely.

- a pronoun (followed by 'of'): I slept less than the others. We never expected less of you.


- the superlative form of little used with long adjectives and adverbs:

This is the least interesting book I've ever read. Those who will work least efficiently will have to go through special training.


⁃ in affirmative sentences: Mr Novotny has a lot of plum trees in the garden.

A LOT - used on its own, not followed by a noun: Our company enjoyed the event a lot.

John talks a lot.


Enough + noun: I have enough money to buy a flat.

Emma doesn’t have enough time for all her hobbies.

Adjective + enough:

This excuse is not good enough for me.

You aren’t running fast enough to win.

More colloquial forms, used also with both countable and uncountable nouns :

Plenty of / A load of / Loads of / Heaps of / Tons of


Too much + uncountable noun

Too many + countable noun

Too + adjective: This is too good to be true. This castle is too far for us on foot.

Too + adverb: He drove too dangerously for me to enjoy the ride.


- so + adjective / adverb: Amanda drove so fast which made us worried.

- so + much: We've wasted so much time waiting for her.

- so + many: They never visited so many countries in one year.



⁃ negative sentences: My husband didn’t get many days off.

⁃ questions: How many days off do you have?


Each + singular nouns (meaning all): Each customer was given a coupon.

  • Emphasising persons/individuals - each one of them smokes / I have read each one of them.

    • each and every one of them

  • Each year / each month (každý - jednotlivý)

  • Each other = one another (reciprocal expressions)

We've known each other for about two years.


Every + singular nouns (meaning all): There were discounts in every shop.

⁃ repetition (days, weeks and years): Our family goes to Paris every Christmas.

  • Every now and then = every once in a while = sometimes/occasionally

I visit my friends in Brno every now and then.

SEVERAL + plural nouns: Several hospitals had to close down due to lack of staff.

FEW / A FEW + countable nouns

Few (=very small number): Mark has few friends and that’s a reason why he feels lonely.

A few (= some, but not a lot): Mark has a few friends he can rely on.

When talking about two people or things:

EITHER: nouns with either have a singular verb

You can take a bus or a tram. Either way takes half an hour.

I haven’t seen either of the films.

NEITHER: nouns with neither have a singular verb

Neither of the destinations was a good choice.

I liked neither of the destinations.

BOTH: nouns with both have a plural verb

Both cinemas were closed.

Both Kate and Mark were married in their twenties.

Colloquial forms: a couple of / hundreds of / thousands of



⁃ In negative sentences: I don’t have much time now.

⁃ In questions: How much money do you earn?


Can I have a bit of chocolate?

Jeremiah does a bit of exercise every morning.

LITTLE x A LITTLE + uncountable nouns

Little (= very small amount): Susan has little time to finish her thesis.

A little (=some, but not a lot): The boss has a little time to talk to you.

A GREAT DEAL OF / A GOOD DEAL OF + abstract nouns (time, money, and trouble)

Jonas spends a great deal of time working online.




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